
​​Who is Caroline Vreeland?
A celebrity renaissance woman, Caroline Vreeland is a singer, songwriter, actress, writer, model, fashion icon, sex symbol and mother of two children.
To learn more about Caroline from a non-fansite, neutral-ish source, check out her Wikipedia page, or visit the Press page here to see what others have said about her.
Who Created this Fansite?
Rito aka Rito Rhymes created this site after following Caroline's work for years. He feels that she is a complex and talented individual who is often reduced down to her sex symbol looks and so he wanted to create a tributary platform where people can see a wider spectrum of the cool things Caroline has done over the years. And yes... she's very veryyy easy on the eyes so the photo gallery page was alot of fun to put together.
Rito is impressed by Caroline's ability to distinguish herself as a recognized sex symbol amidst a media and internet landscape heavily saturated with sexualized content. In an era where standing out in this domain is increasingly challenging due to vast competition, Caroline's successful navigation and utilization of her persona and talents to secure such acknowledgment is remarkable and highlights the mastery of her talents and craft.
Rito Rhymes is an infotaining rapper, fashion-tech CEO of JUMPTAG CLUB, photographer, software business analyst and game designer. Like Caroline, Rito wears many different hats in a variety of creative crafts, which is part of what connected him with her.
Learn more about him at www.ritorhymes.com